Donna De Gennaro, PhD

Inspired by youth

My work is inspired by youth who have taught me to listen, learn, and, most importantly, enjoy what I do. In 2012, I met Carmen, Emilio, Catalina, and Fabiola, whose inspiration led me to establish Unlocking Silent Histories (USH) in 2013. This site marks the beginning of a larger project to honor the Indigenous youth who welcomed me into their worlds and contributed to the creation of USH. Without each and every one of them, this program—and the foundation of an aspiring digital humanities project—would not exist. This website serves as a preview of that upcoming endeavor.

I invite you to explore the site, particularly the insights gained through creating videos that reflect the lives, voices, and visions of Maya, Lumbee, Quechua, and Shipibo youth. These young people are equal co-authors of this site.

Project Insights

This section is dedicated to the youth participants of Unlocking Silent Histories.

Cultural Exchange

Visit this segment to learn about Across the Americas, launched in July 2023.


See the selected publications that explain the methods and theory informing USH.

Partner Organizations

I want to acknowledge and thank the Maya Traditions Foundation, The Lumbee Boys & Girls Club, UNCP, for trusting me to work closely with your long-lasting connections. 

Through community interviews, I gained clarity on this sacred tradition that I was investigating.

Onpash, Quechua